3 Bible Principals Of Money

Bible principles about money start with 3 things.

1. Giving. Someone has to be willing in planting the seed that God has given is his or her life. Without taking the responsibility to plant the seed, God will not bless them abundantly because it is written in the bible that we have to give first and so we will be given by others.

If we have an apple and we like to have more apples in the future, we need to plant the seeds. The seeds will naturally grow in the ground and eventually grow a tree and apples. But if we eat the whole apple including the seeds, we will not get anything in the future.

2. Accepting. Accepting the blessings from the heaven is not as easy as we thought. We have to have the right attitude of the heart. We need to understand that wealth and abundance come from two sides, from God and our own effort.

If people only depend 100% on God for the blessings they get, they will get into the wrong thinking when they do not get what they want to have. They will think that God do not want them to have things they want and they will think that God does not love them.

In the contrary, if people depend 100% on themselves they will consider money as the most important thing in the world. They will become obsessive with money and care less about other things, eventually they will get frustrated.

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3. Managing. Money management is the skill and knowledge needed to maintain and manage the money we have. Without the right money management, no matter how much money we have, we could end up in bankruptcy. Investment is one of the most recommended ways to manage our money.

By lexutor