The color of paint really must be considered so that the concept of the house can be realized neatly so that it can reflect the character of yourself as a homeowner. The impression of a lively room can also be created by the color of the paint used. A room can look firmer, more spacious, affecting the mood of its residents, soothing the house. If you need the best paint service, you can get it at

Well, here are some inspirations in the color of paint in the living room. Please see.


Blue is synonymous with things that smell natural. For example, the sea, beach, sky, and gardens. Blue paint for a room can makes a house feel fresh because it creates a cool and peaceful feel. You will also get a feeling of calm, and more alive from the coolness and freshness of the color of blue paint. Guests will also feel the influence of a positive mood with this blue paint.


In the dry season, cool house paint colors are the right choice. Including the green color in the living room. Green is synonymous with trees or leaves and fresh natural impression. This color can accentuate the harmony that reconciles in the living room. You can also choose the color of pastel green paint because it is said to be a soothing color and feels homey. Combine with brightly colored wall hangings such as light orange or beige. This color can also be applied in a room that you think feels cramped.

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For some residents of the house, they avoid a lot of yellow because it seems dazzled and less attractive. In fact, you can try with a pale-yellow living room paint color. Besides being cool, the room will feel fresh, bright, and the color of the pal- yellow living room paint will give a broad impression. Yellow has a cheerful and bright character. The color of this house paint is believed to increase the enthusiasm for thinking clearly, so the color of this one house paint is very suitable to be applied in the workroom and dining room. Complete by combining living room wall paint colors and dark, dark brown, red and lemon green furniture.

Lemon Yellow

Lemon color is one of the bright colors that can provide a fresh atmosphere. Moreover, it can give the impression of space and a little more creative by adding interior elements such as photos on the wall or colorful decorative flowers.

Light Chocolate

The light brown element will create a calm feel when the color is applied to the entire surface of the walls and ceiling of your living room. In addition, the color of beige or light brown in the living room can make the room spacious. The use of this cream color can be combined with a variety of wood textures or woody ornaments that can make the room feel spacious, comfortable, and warm.

3 Color Functions of House Paint

  1. In terms of aesthetics, the color can function to eliminate the dull and manicured atmosphere in a room.
  2. Colors can also manipulate a room, you know! For example, the color of white paint in the living room can give a broad and spacious impression compared to other colors.
  3. Psychological Influences. According to a book called Color in Interior Design, a work by John Pile, color is the main focus in design. Each color has certain effects, ranging from positive to negative that can be used to affect one’s mind, body, and emotions.
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By lexutor