Anyone who owns a motor vehicle knows the importance of auto insurance, but most of us fail to maintain the appropriate coverage. People think they’re saving money by only obtaining the minimally required coverage established by the laws in their state. While that will keep you from getting a ticket from the police, it may not protect you from being sued.

Most often, serious auto accidents result in far more damages than the minimal coverage will cover. This is because the policy only pays up to the established coverage, so, if you only have $10,000 in bodily injury coverage, that’s the most that will be paid out. If the accident results in injuries to another party that require $50,000 in medical care costs, you may be held responsible for paying the additional $40,000.

You can ensure you have enough coverage by discussing your concerns with an agent, as you shop for affordable car insurance Sacramento. Your agent can guide you through the process, but the best policy should have coverage in a number of different areas. A single auto accident can have extensive effects on both people and property.

Bodily Injury Liability – This covers the injuries caused to others, when the policyholder caused the accident.

Medical or Personal Injury Protection – This type of coverage will cover the medical treatment for injuries that affect the policyholder, or those in his vehicle at the time of the accident.

Property Damage Liability – Covers damages to the property of others, which resulted from the accident.

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Collision – This coverage provides for damages to the policyholder’s vehicle.

Comprehensive – This is additional coverage that protects the policyholder’s vehicle from damages, when they’re caused by incidents other than a collision.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage – If you’re in an accident with an uninsured driver, this type of coverage helps pay for medical treatment for your injuries.

In addition to making sure your policy includes these types of coverages, it may be advisable to raise your limits for each type. While this does mean paying a higher monthly premium, it may be worth it in the event of a serious accident. Having enough coverage can be a significant help, when you’re suddenly facing medical, legal, and financial catastrophes.

By lexutor