One of the ways to get a brand in the public is with pre-printed membership or ID cards. These are cards that have a professional appearance and bring the business to the public, whether they are an ID card or a membership type of card depending on the type of business. Similar to a business card this type will not get shoved in a desk drawer they have more importance attached to the card than just the business name, phone number, location and service.

Benefits of Pre-Printed Cards

These are cards that are customized to the brand and type of business. They can incorporate different kinds of information and be for different benefits such as a membership card or a loyalty card. Then this card can be used within the business and get special advantages such as a small discount or in a sandwich shop after a specific number of loyalty points are amassed the owner of the card may get a free sandwich. In fact, one of the ways the business can make their discounts or rewards easy to follow is by having a barcode on the card. This can benefit the business by bringing in more customers and benefits the individual holding the card.

Types of Businesses that Use Customer Cards

There are many types of businesses that use ID or membership cards from gyms to zoos since this is a way to get a business name out and at the same time the business can keep an accounting of their customers. The kind of businesses taking advantage of pre-printed cards includes:

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• Insurance companies
• Clubs
• Zoos
• Libraries
• Some retailers
• Some food businesses
• Employee ID or benefit cards
• Gyms
• Banks and credit unions
• Specialty businesses

These are some of the most common places that provide customers with an ID card or another benefit card, and this is a form of branding. Since the customer will use the card and be an active participant in the offers the card can provide especially when they are pre-printed membership cards. It can benefit the customer, but it also benefits the company.

Designing the Cards

Any kind of business card must be attractive to the eye in order for a potential customer to notice it, check out what advantages there are for using the card whether it is a business card for a company or a pre-printed card that has special offers for the customer. The cards can be designed can be custom printed, it can have an image on it, a barcode, an area where the card can be stamped for each use, and many other specifics for customers. The card design can be colored, a fade in color, have the business logo, which is their brand or image. The other thing the design of the card can have is matching application and other documents when an image or business logo is used for the cards in addition to the general purpose of having customer cards. The end result is that it can boost the company consumer base while getting the name out to the public by word of mouth and advertising.


By lexutor