Five Steps to Becoming the Next Internet Millionaire

You’ve read all the success stories and you’re tired of the never ending flood of emails in your inbox from the gurus claiming their latest product will bring you the millionaire lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about. It’s time to get to grips with what’s really going on and these five simple steps will start you on the way to being the next internet millionaire!

1. Face reality, you may have to put some work in!

It’s easy to be lulled into believing that you can buy a product and load it onto your computer or watch some videos and suddenly you’ll have an internet empire. As you may have realized, this is far from the truth. Any system will require YOU to put some work in.

2. Pick a Simple System to Follow

So, if you’re going to have to put in some work, why would you want to make it difficult for yourself? So, forget all the fancy products with dozens of hours of videos and complicated systems which you could only do with 26 hours in a day and 8 days in a week! Find a SIMPLE system to follow

3. Finally decide to DO IT!

I’m sure you’ve heard it before. Sadly, probably less than 10% of people who buy an internet marketing product will actually go on to implement it. And of the 10% who start, most will give up at the first signs of difficulty. You owe it to yourself to finally make the decision to stop collecting get-rich-quick dreams and knuckle down to some work. How do you become an internet millionaire? Simple: one dollar at a time. Start with your first site an focus on just one thing – earning money. Don’t worry about fancy graphics or if the layout is right. Just get on and get something going. In this business you’d be surprised to find that there’s a phrase often used which says “ugly sells” and when it comes to websites its true. It really doesn’t need to be a work of art!

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4. Outsource

Once you start earning a few hundred dollars a month (and it doesn’t need to be a lot) you should look at outsourcing some of your work. You simply cannot do everything yourself and expect to grow a decent business and anyone who tells you that an internet marketing business looks after itself probably used to sell the ‘paperless office’ concept and we all know what happened there!

5. Learn how to grow carrots

Ok, bet that got your attention! What I mean by this is that you need to understand a key principle of internet marketing business and its remarkably similar to growing carrots! First you sow a few seeds and then as they begin to grow, you pinch out and throw away the weedy ones and focus on growing the strong ones. So it is with your websites. You need to find out quickly which will be the strong ones and focus on growing them. The others you can discard or sell on. Too many people make the mistake of trying to rescue the failures and this is usually because they’re emotionally attached to them.

Follow these five simple steps and focus on earning that first dollar and then your next. How do you become an internet millionaire? The answer is “one dollar at a time” so get on with it; the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get there!

By lexutor