Have you ever wondered how metal fabrication dallas tx? Here’s how it’s done.

Your metal fabrication dallas tx begins with reducing iron (pig iron production), which is later converted into steel.

You need the raw materials to use, which are:

  • Iron Ore,
  • Coke and

Coke is burned as fuel to heat the furnace, and as it burns, it releases carbon monoxide, which combines with the iron oxides in the ore and reduces them to iron.

Limestone from the furnace charge is an additional source of carbon monoxide and a fluxing substance. This material combines with the silica in the ore (which does not melt at furnace temperatures) to form calcium silicate, which has a lower melting point.

Without the limestone, iron silicate would be formed, and metallic iron would be lost. The calcium silicate and other impurities include a slag that floats on top of the molten metal at the bottom of the furnace.

The pig iron produced in blast furnaces has the following composition:

  • 92% iron
  • 3 to 4% carbon
  • 5 to 3% silicon
  • 25% to 2.5% manganese
  • 04 to 2% phosphorus
  • Some sulfur particles

The Blast Furnace is virtually a chemical plant that continuously reduces the iron in the ore. It chemically detaches oxygen from the iron oxide in the ore to liberate the iron. It consists of a cylindrical steel capsule lined with a non-metallic, heat-resistant material such as refractory bricks and cooling plates.

The lower part of the furnace is equipped with several tubular openings called nozzles, through which the air is forced to pass.

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The upper part of the kiln contains exhaust vents and a pair of round hoppers through which the charge is fed into the kiln. The materials are carried to the hoppers in small wagons or ladles raised by an inclined elevator located outside the kiln.

The raw materials are loaded (or emptied) at the top of the kiln. Air, which has been preheated to approximately 1,030ºC, is forced into the oven base to burn the coke.

The burning coke generates the intense heat required to melt the ore and produces the gases necessary to separate the ore’s iron.

Blast furnaces operate continuously.

Essentially, the gaseous CO at high temperatures has a more significant attraction to the oxygen present in the iron ore (Fe2O3) than the iron itself, so it will react with it to release it. Chemically then, the iron has been reduced in the ore. Meanwhile, the molten limestone turns into lime at high temperature, which combines with sulfur and other impurities. This forms a slag that floats on top of the molten iron.

Silica: One of the components of sand.

Nozzle: A device that converts the thermal and pressure energy of fluid into kinetic energy.

By lexutor