Owning and operating a business sounds like a dream come true, but that’s only one possible outcome. In truth, there are many potential points of failure for the complex machine that is a business. Protecting yourself against these possible pitfalls is an essential part of surviving your first year of operation to even stand a chance of long term, mainstream success. Here’s what you need to know.

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Legal Matters

Love it or hate it, government regulations are a core component of running a business. To protect consumers and workers, the federal government and individual industries have a variety of regulations businesses have to adhere to, the penalty for ignoring which can be major fines or worse. Methods for protecting yourself are many, however. For example, simply knowing these rules and regulations is an essential first step. On the other hand, legal professionals, such as an expert witness finance professional or a lawyer, can help protect you from your own oversights.


Finance is a particularly important aspect of doing business. Not only is the end goal of any commercial endeavor to generate a profit, but bankruptcy is also the fate that awaits unsuccessful businesses and sinks many small businesses in particular within under a year. Protecting yourself against losses and promoting gains is imperative. For starters, hiring an accountant to give you a complete overview of the state of things is crucial, because it not only informs your upcoming strategies, but also protects you from the aforementioned legal problems that can come from inaccurate financial reporting. Businesses must file income taxes, much like a private citizen, and they must report their quarterly earnings. On the other hand, accountants can help businesses take full advantage of tax deductions on business expenses to help them save money and ensure greater cash flow with which to finance expenses.

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