How does a young adult’s boyfriend or girlfriend deal with money? Did you know this can affect the overall well-being and life outcomes of couples, even in young love? This article will tell you about the findings of the new study. Also, you’ll learn how you can open an adult dating merchant account easily, fast, and affordably.

Study on Partner’s Finances and Couples’ Well-Being

According to new research by the University of Arizona, financial socialization from three different sources has an impact on life outcomes and well-being in young adults. The three sources that the researchers were focused on included young adults’ parents, young adults’ romantic partner, and the young adults themselves.

The researchers are working on the so-called APLUS Life Success research project. To carry out the research, they started collecting data from first-year UA students in 2008 and went on doing this when they were already adults. The aim was to discover how young adults achieve stability and happiness.

Are you in the online dating industry? Do you need to open a secure and affordable adult dating merchant account for your business? It’s critical for you to apply to a payments expert to get the best for your business needs and grow it successfully.

Look for a reputable credit card processing company that specializes in the high risk sector. An experienced and reliable merchant services provider can help you enjoy merchant services tailored to your own business wants and needs.

Partner’s Finances Impact Well-Being

The study shows that young adults’ own financial behaviors had the greatest impact on their well-being. Next came the financial behaviors of their romantic partners. Finally, the financial expectations of parents appeared in the third place.

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Based on the research, the individuals’ own financial behaviors were related to all outcomes measured. This doesn’t include relationship satisfaction and commitment. How do individuals perceive their loved one’s financial behaviors? This was found to be associated with their relationship satisfaction and commitment. Also, it was associated with their overall well-being and life satisfaction.

What does the research suggest? Well, the research seems to suggest that, if you need to maintain a happy relationship, you’d better consider a partner who is good with money.

Author Bio: Electronic payments expert Blair Thomas co-founded eMerchantBroker, serving both traditional and high-risk merchants. His passions include producing music, and traveling. eMerchantBroker is America’s No. 1 adult dating merchant account company, serving both traditional and high-risk merchants.

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