Keeping the cleanliness of your computer components is very important for comfortable and keep your PC’s condition to be durable and not easily damaged as a result of too much dirt stuck on your PC components, especially in the most sensitive areas of the component parts.

There is an appropriate solution to solve this problem so your PC components will be more durable and cleaner i.e. :

  • Vacuum cleaner, this tool is useful for cleaning your PC components from dust or particles attached and difficult for your reach to clean it for example: on the inside, with dust absorbing all the dust that will be sucked and your PC components back sterile.
  • Dry cloth / tissue and special sprays, these tools can completely clean and make your components look like new again and dirt is not easy to enter again by using a special spray that you can get in the computer store use this spray after the dust has been cleaned with the vacuum cleaner because when this special spray is used when your PC components are still dusty it will get dirty because the dust mixes with water which then becomes sticky.
  • Brush, this tool can also be used if you do not have a mini dust smear just you should be more careful in using it because this tool is not like a mini-vacuum cleaner that can lock the dirt instantly so it is not carried by the air and back attached to your PC components. you need a screwdriver to unlock the whole PC component in order to clean it perfectly when using this brush, unlike the dust sucker that only needs to disassemble the outside.
  • Disk cleaner, this tool is used to clean the head or head of the disk drive from the influence of dust or dirt attached to the head of the floppy drive .Disk cleaner consists of cleaning fluid and floppy disk the plate replaced with tissue paper.
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Similarly, a solution that you can use to clean up your PC components, hopefully useful, try to do regularly so that your PC components are well maintained before being badly damaged. If you want to buy cpu holders just visit Complement Ltd.

By lexutor