Before you open a store in a mall or one that stands alone, consider starting a kiosk in a mall. Take a walk around the malls that are in your area to look at the things that other owners are selling and to get a better idea for what customers want when they visit a kiosk. When you know what mall kiosks already offer, you can then put a plan in place for what you want to sell. Think about the things that you’re good at selling and what you enjoy, such as cookies, coffee, or crafts.

Edible products are among the most popular items that are sold at kiosks. When you package the products that you sell, you need to put them in containers that are easy to carry around the mall. An option would be to have a few tables near your kiosk so that customers can sit down and eat the foods that they purchase. Make sure you have all of the safety equipment in place to keep foods hot or cold as they should be as well as the equipment needed to keep employees healthy while serving food to customers.

Jewelry and hair accessories are also big hits with kiosks. Try to offer a few different designs for customers to look at, taking orders for other designs or colors that customers want if you’re unable to keep those at the kiosk. Listen to the design ideas that customers suggest. Show customers how the products are used, offering a few free samples when possible. When the holiday season arrives, consider offering special discounts for customers. You can also change a few of the items that you sell so that they have a festive look instead of the traditional designs that you have in place through the rest of the year.


By lexutor